The Battlegrounds Mobile India Series (BGIS) 2024 is off to an electrifying start, with Round 2 showcasing the rise of underdog teams and the fierce competition that defines the esports landscape. In this article, we delve into the highlights, surprises, and notable performances from Round 2, setting the stage for the upcoming Round 3 showdown.


Round 2 of BGIS 2024 BGMI witnessed the emergence of underdog teams that defied expectations and made their mark on the battlegrounds. Teams like WSB Gaming and Team RGB showcased exceptional skills, strategy, and resilience, claiming top spots and earning their place in the spotlight.

WSB Gaming’s Dominance

WSB Gaming emerged as a dominant force in Round 2, securing the highest points with an impressive tally of 113 points and 2 chicken dinners. Their consistency and strategic gameplay propelled them to the top of the table, establishing WSB Gaming as a team to watch in the upcoming rounds.

Team XSpark’s Stellar Performance in BGIS

Team XSpark delivered a stellar performance in Round 2, securing the second position with 107 points and 2 chicken dinners. Their dynamic gameplay and tactical maneuvers showcased their potential to compete at the highest level, making them a formidable opponent for future matches.

Consistency and Adaptability: Team RGB

Team RGB demonstrated consistency and adaptability throughout Round 2, delivering solid performances across all matches. With 72 points and 1 chicken dinner to their credit, Team RGB’s strategic approach and ability to adjust to changing dynamics on the battlefield set them apart as a rising contender in the tournament.

RTGxIND’s Dominance

RTGxIND showcased their dominance in Round 2, accumulating 70 points with 1 chicken dinner, backed by 55 points from finishes. Their aggressive yet calculated gameplay showcased their skill and determination, solidifying their position as a force to be reckoned with in future rounds.

Notable Qualifiers for Round 3

Round 2 witnessed a fierce battle among 512 teams, with only 240 teams advancing to Round 3. Among the notable qualifiers are:

  • Entity Gaming
  • Orangutan
  • Raven Esports
  • Numen Gaming
  • Ghuso Esports
  • WindGod Esports
  • Hydra Official
  • GenxFM Esports
  • Voltx Gaming
  • CS Esports
  • Marcos Gaming
  • Tarkin Spartans
  • Team Psyche
  • GlitchxReborn
  • Hyper Legends
  • Gods Reign

These teams showcased their resilience, skill, and determination to secure a spot in Round 3, setting the stage for intense battles and thrilling moments in the upcoming matches.

Experienced Teams Make a Comeback

Round 2 also saw the resurgence of experienced teams that faced elimination in The Grind event but fought their way back through in-game qualifiers in Round 1. Teams like Team XSpark, Medal Esports, Team Zero, and Carnival Gaming displayed resilience and determination, earning their spot in Round 3 despite initial setbacks.

Looking Ahead: Round 3 Expectations

With Round 2 concluding on a high note, all eyes are now on Round 3 of BGIS 2024. The competition is expected to intensify as top teams battle for supremacy, showcasing their skills, strategies, and teamwork in pursuit of victory.

Key Takeaways from Round 2

Round 2 of BGIS 2024 provided several key takeaways:

  1. Underdog Triumph: The rise of underdog teams like WSB Gaming and Team RGB highlighted the unpredictable nature of esports competitions, where determination and skill can overcome odds.
  2. Consistency Matters: Teams that showcased consistency and adaptability, such as Team XSpark and RTGxIND, demonstrated the importance of maintaining a strong performance throughout the tournament.
  3. Resilience of Experienced Teams: Experienced teams that faced early elimination showed resilience and perseverance, earning their spot in Round 3 through sheer determination and in-game prowess.
  4. High-Stakes Competition: With Round 3 approaching, the competition is poised to reach new heights, with teams vying for the ultimate prize and cementing their legacy in the BGIS 2024 tournament.


Round 2 of BGIS 2024 was a testament to the competitive spirit, skill, and determination of teams competing on the battlegrounds. From underdog triumphs to experienced teams making comebacks, the stage is set for an exhilarating Round 3 filled with intense battles and unforgettable moments. As the tournament progresses, fans can expect to witness esports at its finest, with teams pushing their limits and striving for glory in the world of Battlegrounds Mobile India Series 2024.

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