The excitement among Indian esports enthusiasts reaches its pinnacle as the highly anticipated Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) Masters Series Season 2 kicks off today. After the successful conclusion of registrations, the first 1024 teams have been selected to compete in the online qualifiers. These teams will battle fiercely to secure their spot in the LAN stage of BGMI Masters Series 2023. Let’s dive into the format, schedule, and the roster of invited teams for this action-packed esports extravaganza.

Qualifiers Format

The BGMI Masters Series Season 2 Qualifiers have been designed with a series of elimination rounds to find the top contenders for the coveted LAN stage. The format for the qualifiers is as follows:

1. Round of 1024 – 64 Groups (Best of one): The top 4 teams from each group will advance to the next round.

2. Round of 256 – 16 Groups (Best of two): The top 8 teams from each group will qualify for the next round.

3. Round of 128 – 8 Groups (Best of three): The top 6 teams from each group will advance, along with 16 invited teams.

4. Round of 64 – 4 Groups (Best of three): The top 4 teams from each group will progress, along with 16 invited teams.

5. Round of 32 – 2 Groups (Best of Four): The top 5 teams from each group will qualify for the much-awaited BGMI Masters Series Season 2 LAN STAGE.

Qualifiers Schedule

The BGMI Masters Series Season 2 Qualifiers are scheduled to take place from 18th to 24th July 2023. It will be a week filled with intense battles as teams fight for their chance to shine on the LAN stage.

Invited Teams

Among the roster of participants, 14 formidable teams have been directly invited to the LAN stage of BGMI Masters Series 2023. These teams have earned their spot through their impressive performances and achievements in the competitive BGMI scene. The invited teams are:

1. Team Xspark

2. Godlike Esports

3. Team Soul

4. Team 8Bit

5. Numen Esports

6. Gladiators Esports

7. Enigma Gaming

8. Orangutan Esports

9. Global Esports

10. Medal Esports

11. Revenant Esports

12. One Blade Esports

13. Blind Esports

14. God’s Reign


As the BGMI Masters Series Season 2 Qualifiers kick off, the Indian esports community is set to witness an adrenaline-pumping spectacle. With the participation of 1024 skilled teams vying for a spot in the LAN stage, and the fierce competition from the 14 invited teams, this tournament promises to be a battleground of talent, strategy, and excitement. As the qualifiers unfold, keep an eye out for your favorite teams and brace yourself for a thrilling esports experience like no other. Let the games begin!