Day 3 of the BGIS The Grind witnessed intense battles in Group 6 as teams fought for dominance and a spot in Round 2. Enigma Gaming displayed remarkable prowess, topping the overall standings with an impressive 74 points. Let’s delve into the highlights of the matches and the qualified teams moving forward.

Enigma Gaming Reigns Supreme

Enigma Gaming, led by the talented Owais, asserted their dominance in Group 6 on Day 3. With a stunning performance, they clinched two out of three matches in Round 1, amassing a total of 74 points. Their aggressive gameplay and mind-boggling coordination left their opponents in awe.

Match 1 – Erangel

In the opening match, Zeno’s extraordinary performance led Team INS Esports to a Chicken Dinner, securing 24 points. Team Excellent, considered the underdog, surprised everyone by securing 17 points. Enigma Gaming demonstrated their potential with 16 points, signaling their strong start in the competition.

Match 2 – Miramar

Enigma Gaming continued their impressive run, dominating the second match with a 14-kill victory. Veterans Maxkash and DaljitsKK contributed six and five kills, respectively. Team Tribal Esports showcased solid gameplay and claimed 17 points. Lucknow Giants and Allstars managed respectable performances, earning 14 and 11 points, respectively.

Match 3 – Sanhok

Enigma Gaming further solidified their position as a formidable force by securing another back-to-back Chicken Dinner, amassing 29 points in the process. Team INS Esports displayed consistent performance with 15 points. 4 Aggressive Man and Lucknow Giants secured 14 and 12 points, respectively. Team Tribal Esports stumbled in their final match but held onto their third-place position.

Qualified Teams for Round 2

After an intense battle in Round 1, eight teams emerged as the qualified contenders for Round 2. These teams have proven their mettle and will face off in Week 3 for a chance to advance to the next phase of the BGIS The Grind.

1. Enigma Gaming

2. Team INS

3. Team Tribal

4. Team Excellent

5. Lucknow Giants

6. 4 Aggressive Man

7. Predator 6

8. Allstars


Day 3 of the BGIS The Grind in Group 6 saw Enigma Gaming’s exceptional performance and their triumph as the overall leaders. The qualified teams are now geared up for an intense battle in Round 2, set to take place in Week 3. As the tournament progresses, the excitement and competition are only expected to grow.